The Advent Season has become to me a beautiful and welcome relief from the traditional holiday hustle that begins somewhere around the week before Halloween, shopping for those last minute costumes, gains serious speed from Black Friday to Christmas Eve, and finally meets its unsatisfying end somewhere around January 2nd. Against that black backdrop of consumerism and chaos, Advent shines its warm and inviting candlelight, beckoning me toward peace, tranquility, and the wonderful mystery of the coming of Christ. It calls me out of the shallows and into the deep riches of Immanuel…God With Us.
Friend, if you would like to experience that deep encounter with Immanuel, please join me for the Advent Encounter Group. These four 90 minute Zoom sessions are designed to create a space where you and Jesus can meet for a conversation. Everything about our time together will be crafted to help you make that connection with Jesus where you sense his presence and feel his delight in being with you. It will be a chance to listen, receive, and savor.
We will gather each Sunday night in December leading up to Christmas, from 7:00pm - 8:30pm PT. All you really need is your device and 90 minutes of privacy. (A tall order for some of us with little people still at home!) But I would also suggest a snuggly blanket, piping hot cup of tea, and of course a candle to light! This is going to be an amazing time to be together. I so hope you will join me!